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Carpe Vision


CARPE is a long-term initiative of the United States Government to promote sustainable forest management, biodiversity conservation, and climate change mitigation in the Congo Basin through increased local, national, and regional natural resource management capacity. 


CARPE Phase IV (see History for an overview of Phases 1-III) envisions a Congo Basin with healthy ecosystems and dynamic local leadership that supports stability and prosperity in communities. This vision can be realized when the four key themes of inclusive markets, law enforcement, civil society, and land use management work together to support a vibrant and resilient environment. CARPE IV’s implementation strategy focuses on adopting a people-centered approach to biodiversity and habitat protection, using protected areas (PA) as anchors for sustainable development, fostering public-private partnerships for PA management, and leveraging natural capital to promote green economies.

carpe vision imageland managementcivil societyinclusive marketslaw enforcement